What is functional and nutritional medicine?
It studies the impact of:
- micronutrient deficits: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids;
- excess heavy metals, free radicals, saturated fats contained in food.
It studies the impact of:
It aims to maintain or restore the optimal functioning of the functions of cells, tissues and organs of the human body, using all available natural means, in particular by rebalancing nutritional intake. It aims for sustainable health, for:
It is a holistic approach, that concerns the body as a whole.
The patient is observed through a multifaceted prism: the symptoms he expresses, the diseases he may have encountered, his lifestyle and his eating habits. A complete questionnaire makes it possible to make this inventory, which is used by a system of algorithms that explores the state of operation of the various interfaces (see opposite) and makes it possible to draw up the patient’s profile.
At the end of this first step, the patient receives:
Once this table has been drawn up, it will be possible to go further with a nutritionist, who will then have all the data in hand to improve the state of health by adjusting the quantities, and the quality and methods of the patient’s nutritional habits. He can direct him to the use of food supplements when it is not possible to achieve the same result with products in their natural state. He can also indicate certain changes in lifestyle: physical activity, sports and sleep …